Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck
Are you sick of hiding your belly under baggy tops or strategically planning your outfits for the best options to camoflauge your belly? You're not alone. Even supermodels don’t stay in perfect shape forever and, even with a disciplined fitness regime, you’re likely to find that time eventually takes its toll. As you age, the skin loses elasticity, while the muscles lose tone and stretch. This can result in excess, loose skin on the tummy area, or even an “apron” of skin that hangs over the lower abdomen. This can make people feel very self-conscious, and they can find that they avoid fitted or revealing clothing and activities where the body is more exposed, such as sport and swimming. In some cases, if the skin develops deep creases and folds, these areas can be prone to irritation, rashes and infections. Abdominoplasty , also known as tummy tuck is a body contouring option offered as a way to correct these problems. There are lots of reasons why people have this type of...